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Kings Hill School Primary & Nursery

Inspired to believe, Inspired to achieve

Year One

Welcome to Meerkat Class

Our teacher is Mrs Hollyhomes and Mrs Latter  Our teaching assistant is Mrs Johnson.




Welcome to Lemur Class

Our teacher is Mrs Clayton and our teaching assistant is Mrs Hudson.



Please click here for the Year 1 'Meet the Teacher' presentation

Autumn Term  2024

Welcome to Year 1. We hope you had a lovely break and we are looking forward to a hard-working and fun term with you all. 

Below is an outline of the learning that will take place this term. 


  • To use phonics to decode words
  • To read with prosody
  • To answer specific questions about a text
  • Use images from a text to infer and to make predictions
  • To read tricky words



  • Use capital letters and full stops correctly
  • To write simple sentences
  • To be aware of the use of capital letters when writing pronouns
  • Continue to develop correct letter formation including the introduction of lead in lines
  • To write facts about an animal (non-fiction)
  • To use conjunctions and, but and or in sentences.



  • To recall the phase 5 digraphs taught this term To decode, read and spell words with these diagraphs in.



  • To add and subtract one-digit and two digit numbers to 20, including zero.
  • To solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction.
  • To use concrete objects and pictorial representations to solve missing number problems such as 7 = ____ + 5
  • To develop fluency in addition and subtraction facts within 10.
  • To recognise and name common 2- D shapes [for example, rectangles (including squares), circles and triangles] · To recognise and name common 3- D shapes [for example, cuboids (including cubes), pyramids and spheres]




  • What is our local area like in each seasons?
  • To name the four seasons.
  • To describe what happens in each season.
  • To know that the weather changes in different seasons.
  • To understand that it gets darker earlier during winter time.


  • To know where the 1960’s is on a timeline and understand that it is within living memory.
  • To know what children’s fashion, children’s television and homes were like in the 1960’s.
  • To draw similarities and differences between now and the 1960’s.



  • Clap the rhythm of their name.
  • Clap in time to music.
  • Sing the overall shape of a melody.
  • Play in time to music.
  • Copy and create rhythms based on word patterns.
  • Play on the pulse



  • To understand different types of mark making and when it can be used.
  • To discuss, compare and respond to different types of artwork.
  • To know who Jim Dine was and how he used mark.
  • To know how artists use texture and tone within their work to create depth.


Computing: Handling Data 

  • To know how to label and describe objects in different ways.
  • To identify that objects can be counted.
  • To know how to sort information and add information to a pictogram.
  • To know how to sort different types of information and present it to others.
  • To know how to use technology to collect information including pictures, videos and sound. 


  • To know what bullying means
  • To know who to tell if they or someone else is being bullied or is feeling unhappy
  • To know that people are unique and that it is OK to be different
  • To know the skills needed to make friendships
  • To know that people have differences and similarities



  • To know which place of worship is sacred for Christians?
  • To know which place of worship is sacred for Jewish people?
  • To know which place of worship is sacred for Muslims?
  • To know what the Bible tells us about the birth of Jesus?
  • To know how Christians celebrate Christmas?




  • To use the ready position when receiving a ball.
  • To improve how I push a ball on the ground using a tennis racket.
  • To hit a ball back to a partner using my hand and racket.
  • To improve how I hit a ball using a tennis racket.
  • To take part in striking and fielding games using catching, throwing and batting skills.


  • To travel in different ways.
  • To position on large and small parts of the body.
  • To link balancing with travelling movements.


Year 1 have PE on Wednesday and Friday . Please can children wear their PE kit in to school on those days and earrings are to be taken out. 

For more information on our remote learning offer for those of you learning at home, please click here 

Click here for the reading, writing and maths expectations in Year 1

For more information on the learning taking place this term, please see the Year 1 curriculum map below.


As well as accessing our broad curriculum, our pupil offer outlines the additional opportunities your child will have whilst in Year 1

Curriculum Maps

Term 1 Curriculum Map

Term 2 Curriculum Map 

Term 3 Curriculum Map

Term 4 Curriculum Map

Term 5 Curriculum Map

Term 6 Curriculum Map


Class Timetable

Lemur Class Timetable
Meerkat Class Timetable 

Homework in Year 1

Daily Reading

We encourage all children to read at home daily and a note to be written in their reading record book. If the school book has been completed then please read and share any other books or comics that you have at home. These can also be record in the reading record and count towards the number of daily reads. School books will be changed on Monday and Thursday


Every Friday we will send home a phonics book with the sounds we have learnt during the week. 
Please practise these with your child at home and see if they can come up with any other words that have these sounds in. Please ensure that the phonics books are returned by Thursday the following week so new sounds can be given. 


We suggest working on Numbots for 15 minutes a week, however, you can do more should you wish. Specific work isn't set on Numbots, Children will work through the activities at their own pace. This is an online maths game that can be accesses on tablets, ipads and desktops. Log-ins will be sent out to all children in the first week of Year 1. 


