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Kings Hill School Primary & Nursery

Inspired to believe, Inspired to achieve

Governing Body

About the Governing Body

Each Kings Hill School Governor has been carefully selected for their expertise and desire to improve education. Possessing a wide range of experience in education, senior business roles and other professions, their enthusiasm for the role remains undiminished. With many years of experience between them, the Governing Body works in partnership with the school to continue to excel the school with the ambition of being outstanding. 

What do we do?

Kings Hill School Governing Body, in common with all Governing Bodies, has three main functions:

  • We authorise and ensure clarity of the school vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  • We hold the Head Teacher to account for the performance of the school and the achievement of the pupils.
  • We oversee the financial performance of the school and ensure that money is well spent.

 How do we do it?

There are a number of different models for Governance.  At Kings Hill School we use a “Hybrid” model which we believe is the most effective for our school.  We have five meetings of the Full Governing Body each year.  We also have three committees:

  1. Finance and Resources (five meetings a year)
  2. Health and Safety (three meetings a year)
  3. Pay and Reward (two meetings a year)

There is also a group that monitors performance against the School Development Plan. 

Some governors also fulfil specific roles such as Safeguarding, EYFS, Equalities, Health and Safety or Special Educational Needs.

In addition, some governors volunteer to fulfil specific roles, such as being the Special Educational Needs governor, or the Health and Safety governor, or the link governor for a particular year or subject.


What is the structure of our governing body?


The Governing Body of Kings Hill School - Primary and Nursery comprises 14 governors in total.  The membership is made up as follows: 

  • 2 Parent Governors – Parents/Carers of registered students at the School, elected by the parent body 
  • 1 Local Authority Governor – Nominated by the Local Authority and appointed by the Governing Body 
  • 1 Staff Governor – A member of teaching or support staff at the School, elected by the staff body 
  • 1 Headteacher Governor – The Headteacher of the School 
  • 9 Co-opted Governors – Governors appointed by the Governing Body to make sure the school has the skills and experience that it needs
