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Kings Hill School Primary & Nursery

Inspired to believe, Inspired to achieve

Eco Committee

Who Are We?

We are the Eco Committee and we want to be at the forefront of spreading awareness of environmental issues. We want to lead change both in our school and our local area. We meet every Wednesday and discuss global issues, as well as ways we can make an impact in our school by making small but significant changes.

Every year we start by completing an Eco Review with a focus on different topics, such as the environment, waste, litter, healthy living and global awareness. We share what we have found and then vote on a plan of action. This year we chose recycling, waste, environment (school grounds) and to spread awareness of the ‘plastic impact’!  Each term we work in teams and follow our plan of action to make a change.

How We Make A Difference...

We will work with West Malling and Kings Hill Eco Hub to team up and work on issues related to our local area. Most recently we added leaves to our local Pledge Tree and shared our promises with our local community. We will work alongside our school council to organise a walk to school week and litter picks. We will also take part in larger campaigns such as bird watch and recycling week. We will promote the Eco code; reduce, reuse, recycle, sharing our knowledge with our peers through leading assemblies, writing newsletters and holding school competitions.

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